Bernie’s Q&A: Clinton, Klobuchar, Romney, Sanders, and more! (10/25) — Premium Interactive ($4 members)
Welcome to this week’s Premium Q&A session for Premium Interactive members. I appreciate you all signing up and joining me. Thank you.
Also, thank you for getting your questions in early this week to accommodate my travel schedule (questions that came in later will be added to next week's Q&A). I appreciate it. Next week, we'll go back to the Wednesday night (at midnight) deadline.
Let’s get to your questions (and my answers):
With the exception of Bernie Sanders, most of the enthusiasm for socialism seems to be from the younger crowd, where capitalism is practically a four-letter word. Do you think this is mostly caused by the 2008 housing bubble and deep recession? It seems like free market capitalism took a P.R. hit that it hasn't been able to recover from. -- Steve R.
Maybe, but I'm not sure the "younger crowd" thinks about stuff like that. More likely, in my opinion, is they want "free" stuff -- and Bernie is offering it to them.
Bernie, if perchance, President Trump is impeached and removed from office, is their anything to prevent him from running for President again? -- Charles B.
Good question. If he's impeached and removed from office that means he will have served (less than) one term. You can serve two terms as president. So yes, while I'm not a constitutional expert, I believe he could run again.
10 years ago, you wrote "Crazies to the Left of Me, Wimps to the Right: How One Side Lost Its Mind and the Other Lost Its Nerve." If you wrote a similar themed book today, in which you assessed the current state of both sides, what title would you use? Maybe something like, "Both Sides are Crazy. Help." -- Todd S.
I like your title, Todd. Or maybe, "Democrats Are Nuts -- And Republicans Aren't Exactly Sane" The picture on the cover would show AOC ... and Donald Trump.
Hello Sir Bernie: It seems that whenever a teenager commits a violent and brutal crime, liberals argue against draconian adult punishments, citing studies showing that teenagers' brains are not fully developed to the point of actually comprehending the choices that they make, and that the age of development is around 26.
Okay, I get that, but then how is it that Bernie Sanders and many on the left also want to lower the voting age to 16? I mean, by their logic, people that young wouldn't have brains developed enough to cast an intelligent and well-thought out vote to help shape our country, right? Can you explain this paradox to me? -- Maturing Regards to you, from The Emperor
Emperor, my friend, surely you jest. They want 16 year olds to vote because they figure they'll vote for Democrats. But, you say, they just told us that the brains of 16 year olds aren't fully developed. Yeah, So? This is not about logic, Emperor. It's about politics.
Bernie: Very well done Off the Cuff on LeBron James. But, are we all surprised to find that another social justice leftist so willing to preach to the rest of us is a raging hypocrite? The terms social justice, leftist and hypocrite have become synonyms. It is always "I have a free speech right to tell you how to live as long as it doesn't affect me. Live the way I tell you so I can continue to live the lavish lifestyle I have without any cost to me." -- Dennis C.
Social justice leftists, as you say Dennis, have a tendency at times to be authoritarian and hypocritical. But let me point out that they don't have a monopoly on hypocrisy. As I've written, white evangelicals like to tell people about the correct way to live their lives ... then support a man who has mocked their values his whole life. So there's enough hypocrisy to go around. I can do without the sanctimony from the left and the right.
What do you think about Amy Klobuchar? As I've watched the debates, she's been a moderating influence to those around her and seems less cataclysmic, and more realistic about incremental steps. But I don't actually know enough to know how she would govern, only that she seems to have a sense of realism. I don't agree with most Democratic moral values, so I'm not likely to vote for her, but if I had to vote for a Democrat, would you say she might be the least destructive? -- Bill N.
You're on to something, Bill. Relatively speaking, she's a lot more moderate than a lot of the others, including co-frontrunner Elizabeth Warren. But the key word is "relatively." They're all left of center and, like you, that's not for me anymore.
Bernie, are you as frustrated as I am with these behind-closed-doors impeachment proceedings? We the people should be able to see these proceedings and judge for ourselves, but with the Dems and Schiff in charge, we're supposed to believe everything is on the up and up?!!! And, they conveniently leak just enough "incriminating" info. Then there's the most obnoxious, overbearing politician in history [beats Trump IMO] Hillary "the election was stolen from me" Clinton. Just go away all ready. I'd love for someone to ask her if she feels Trump stole Wisconsin (where she didn't bother to campaign) from her as well. You know Hillary, the one you didn't bother to campaign in! But no one will, and now she accuses Gabbard and Stein as being Russian assets! -- JM
There's a line about this, JM, in a Rolling Stone article. The line is, Hillary is nuts.
As for the behind closed doors proceedings. Republicans obviously don't like it. And for good reason. At some point, the proceedings will be open for all of us to witness. If Democrats try to run roughshod over the minority, the American people will notice. And it may very well backfire on Adam Schiff and his posse.
Is Hillary Clinton helping the Dems cause in any way whatsoever? What can possibly be her real mission? I don’t believe her actions are tact, they are mentally flawed behaviors IMO. --Scotty G.
Losing hurts, Scotty. And she apparently hasn't gotten over her loss in 2016. Is she helping the Dems. No. If she thought she'd get the nomination, would she jump in. Yes, I think she would.
Having grown up in the Boston area saturated with democratic liberals.... have the Democrats forgot about the history of Democrats from Massachusetts running for president? Teddy Kennedy could never get past Chappaquiddick. Mike Dukakis was a fine governor but was badly beaten. Mitt Romney, again a fine governor but badly beaten. Do you think the American voters can overcome their historic dislike and distrust of Massachusetts liberals and elect Elizabeth Warren? Thanks!! -- Charles K.
It's not the same country as it was back then, Charles. My gut response is that Senator Warren is too far left for the American people. But if President Trump keeps alienating everyone except his base -- especially independents -- then anything is possible, including a President Warren. If it needs to be said: That is NOT a prediction.
King Bernard... what are your thoughts on carpet versus hardwood flooring?...and maybe a few words on marble countertops?...I’ve been watching cable news much like the flooring...I’m off to lie.........Greggo
Greggo, my friend, here's what I think: Take your meds and get some rest. That said, I prefer hardwood flooring. As for marble countertops: I never understood how you could take marbles and make a countertop out of them. Marbles be round. Countertops be flat.
A lot of Trump people are going ape-sh*t over the discovery that Mitt Romney has had an anonymous Twitter account (since 2011), that he uses to read (and on rare occasion participate in) online political discussions (some of them having to do with him). Rush Limbaugh slammed Romney as a hypocrite (because Romney has criticized Trump's tweeting) and said Romney is "thin-skinned, totally vain and, I now believe completely, totally jealous of Donald Trump." Tucker Carlson called the account "a triumph of bourgeois passive aggression." Dana Loesch tweeted "How does Romney have time for a secret Twitter account? Pettiness doesn’t count for less just because it’s done under an assumed name."
Now some facts: It takes like 30 seconds to set up a Twitter account, and Romney tweeted from his a grand total of 10 times over the last EIGHT YEARS. What on earth are these nutballz talking about? -- Sam G.
I'm with you, Sam. It's all about one thing and only one thing: The nutballz love Trump and will agree with everything he says and does. That's why they're called nutballz, a term I believe you just coined. Since Romney has been critical of their savior, Donald Trump, they must go after him. #pathetic
Not a question- just a comment to let you know that we really enjoy your posts and the Q&A. It's the only place we can get an accurate view of what's going on politically. Thank you for all that you do. -- Carolyn S.
A million thanks Carolyn, and I'm assuming you said that because you really mean it and not because I promised to send you a lot of money if you said it. Seriously, your comment means a lot to me. I appreciate it very much!
Thanks, everyone! You can send me questions for next week using the form below! You can also read previous Q&A sessions by clicking here.