Bernie’s Q&A: Obama's "Controversial" Suit, Stelter as an Interviewer, Tulsi Gabbard, and more! (8/30) — Premium Interactive ($4 members)
Welcome to this week’s Premium Q&A session for Premium Interactive members. I appreciate you all signing up and joining me. Thank you.
Let’s get to your questions (and my answers):
Since the Mueller report did not produce the hoped for results, I now hear recession, recession, recession continuously in the news. Do you think the left is taking a new tactic of trying to convince people that it’s all down hill with Trump so vote for us and we’ll take care of you? It’s almost like they’re trying to talk us into a recession. -- Beverly
I'm with you Beverly. If it isn't collusion then it's racism or its white supremacy or it's ... recession, recession, recession. They'll never admit it -- except for Bill Maher -- but the anti-Trump side is rooting for recession. And yes, I think they are trying to talk us into a recession.
I have a theory about Trump lashing out at everyone who goes after him. Coming up in the public eye as he did in New York as a brash & publicity seeking promoter, one also becomes a big target for every slip and fall or similar "victim" & their lawyers: "Let's get Trump & we'll be famous and maybe richer!" Is it possible Trump learned that every little spark can become a costly bonfire if you don't throw water on it right away, and now he's using this same knee jerk, defensive action in politics ? Just a habit more than thin skin? -- Scott T.
Hey Scott. Possible but I think the problem goes way back, to his childhood. He learned to fight back early in his life. Not a bad trait when it's kept under control. But Donald Trump punches back at just about every slight. Secure people don't.
Bernie, you've gone on record as saying that you won't be voting for any of the Democratic presidential candidates in 2020. Should I interpret this as you leaving the door open to vote for Eric "Pass the Torch" Swalwell, should he decide to run as an Independent? -- John D.
John, I know you're a big Eric Swalwell fan. I'm guessing you also like the Baltimore Orioles, a team that's a million games out of first place.
If some catastrophe occurred -- a really big one -- and Swalwell was the only person running for president. I still wouldn't vote for him. WAIT: I just had a second thought. Too bad it's the same as my first thought. And, yes, I know you're having some fun with this Swalwell fascination of yours. As they say, LOL.
A Trump fan buddy of mine keeps saying I should ignore everything Trump says and only pay attention to what he does (as in his policies). That same buddy also keeps saying that Joe Biden makes too many gaffes (AKA verbal mistakes) to be president. He doesn't see the double-standard, and neither do a lot people in media (in both directions). Everyone is a hypocrite on occasion, but in today's politics, its off the charts every day! How can some shame be brought back to politics and partisan people? CAn it? -- Dave B.
First, I agree with your understanding of the situation, Dave. Hypocrisy is out of control. People root for teams -- blue or red. They'll ignore the faults of their team and exploit the faults of the other team. As for shame: I'm not holding my breath. It's in short supply these days.
Do you think the Media is just as much at fault for creating today’s “Thin-Skinned” Trump? Any thoughts on what He’d possibly be like today if the Left Press would have been say 50% less Left? I fear I may already know the answer... -- Scotty G.
I think a lot of the media have been irresponsible, Scotty. I think a lot of journalists viscerally detest Donald Trump -- and let those feelings infect their coverage of him. So, since he lashes out at anybody who lashes out at him ... yes, I guess he'd be less combative if the media were more fair. But, he's a narcissist and consistently gets things wrong -- sometimes he just doesn't know what he's talking about, other times he's lying. So while we might have a less combative Donald Trump, he'd essentially be the same thin-skinned insecure person he is. None of that takes the media off the hook for their biases against this president.
Did you hear the idiot on CNN this week that compared Trump to Mao, Stalin, and Hitler saying he would be responsible for more deaths than all of them combined !!!!! Based on what? Naturally there was no pushback from the CNN host. -- John M.
I did hear him say that, John. And he's a psychiatrist, no less. Trump Derangement Syndrome makes even smart people stupid. Brian Stelter, the host, is the worst interviewer on television. He's a potted plant. But in fairness, here's the excuse he tweeted -- if you choose to believe it:
"I agree that I should have interrupted after that line. I wish I had heard him say it, but I was distracted by tech difficulties (that's why the show open didn't look the way it normally does, I had two computers at the table, etc). Not hearing the comment is my fault."
For what it's worth, I don't believe him. I think that because Shelter hates the president so much, he just let the idiotic comment go by.
Bernie, As I read all the vitriol between the President and his detractors, couple with groups like Antifa and their counterparts, the ultra right, add the constant race card being played by anyone who thinks it will make them/him/her popular, I cannot wonder if this country is headed toward some kind of civil unrest in some form or another. Your thoughts? -- Terry J.
Hey Terry. I don't think we've been this polarized since the Civil War. 1967 was a year of much discord, but it was over one subject ... the Vietnam War. Now it's over everything.
I don't believe we'll see anything like a Red army fighting in the streets against a Blue army. I don't think it'll come to that. But individual one-on-one violence based on political differences? I hope I'm wrong but I suspect we'll see that kind of thing increasing as the gap between left and right widens.
Hi Bernie: What is your opinion of Tulsi Gabbard? Do you think that she would make a good president? Why doesn't the DNC establishment appear to be very excited about her? She seems like she could actually challenge Trump, because she doesn't come off as insane. Your thoughts? -- Anti-Establishment Regards to you from The Emperor
I'm not sure why, but I like her. I'd never vote for her, but she does come off as reasonable (relatively speaking) and certainly sane. But she's gotten no traction. So most Democrats don't view her the way you and I do. And regards back at ya, Emperor.
Hi Bernie. Who's your favorite Special Report panelist (not including Bret Baier of course)? -- Tom C.
I like Stephen Hayes, and glad he's back. Jonah Goldberg makes sense. I think Mollie Hemingway is smart, but too often comes off as a Trump apologist. I also like A.B. Stoddard. Not sure if I've seen Guy Benson on the panel but if he's been there I like him too. (I know, Tom, you asked for one name and I gave you a few. Too hard to pick just one.)
Greetings, Mr. Goldberg! I am curious to know if you have heard of Ben Swann and his "reality check" segments. Are they worthwhile? Beneficial? Superfluous? -- Carl-Simon
Don't know enough about him. Sorry. But loved your song, "You're so Vain."
Oops: that was CarlY Simon. ;)
Bernie, there's a popular liberal media narrative out there that the Obama admin was "scandal-free" (despite Benghazi, IRS targeting conservatives, the wire-tapping of James Rosen and his dad, etc.), and that media conservatives had to come up with some controversy about Obama wearing a tan suit to invent a scandal. Yesterday MSNBC even commemorated the 5 year anniversary of the tan suit thing on their website, calling it "a symbol for the lack of scandals during the Obama administration."
Am I crazy for not even remembering the suit thing? This seems like a classic case of "nut-picking" where one side picks out something said by a few wingnuts on the other side, and pretends it was some major obsession or movement. And what do you think about the idea that Obama was scandal-free? -- Bob V.
I'm guilty too, Bob. I don't remember the "tan suit thing" either. As to whether the Obama administration was scandal-free: Let's just say that if Donald Trump were president when Benghazi happened ... when liberals instead of conservatives were targeted by the IRS ... when James Rosen was wiretapped ... I think the NY Times would be screaming SCANDAL.
In last week's Q&A, someone asked if you believe "Trump could be mentally ill or impaired." You answered that you couldn't say for sure if he has "diagnosable mental illness," but that you do think he's "nuts." Is "nuts" one or both of these or something else? Thanks - have a great weekend. -- David O.
Nuts is nuts, David. You know it when you see it. Sort of like pornography. But I'm not a psychiatrist and don't pretend to be one. That said, he may have no diagnosable mental illness. He's just nuts.
King bernard....need your quick pontification on this: Please name the won grammmatical error that’s is most drives ewe bronkers in todays media climate change public-cations;” I’ll hang up and listen. -- Greggo
OK Greggo, you're having fun right. For the record (and I know YOU know this) ... it's ins't won ... it's one. Grammatical has 2 Ms ... not 3. The word is you ... not ewe. I don't even know what publc-cations means. And most important, my name starts with a CAPITAL B.
You're a funny guy, Greggo.
Now, as to your question about what drives me bonkers: I don't read climate change publications. And neither do you, Greggo. But you are funny.
Thanks, everyone! You can send me questions for next week using the form below! You can also read previous Q&A sessions by clicking here.