Bernie’s Q&A: Stossel, Kavanaugh, Gutfeld, Brown, and more! (9/20) — Premium Interactive ($4 members)
Welcome to this week’s Premium Q&A session for Premium Interactive members. I appreciate you all signing up and joining me. Thank you.
Quick note: Just a friendly reminder to try and keep your questions relatively brief, for the benefit of the other members. Thank you!
Let’s get to your questions (and my answers):
I liked ABC News's 20/20 back when John Stossel co-hosted it with Barbara Walters, in part because Walters at times appeared annoyed that Stossel had a very unique (especially for the mainstream media) libertarian perspective on stories (that conflicted with her more liberal views). Ha ha. I don't think there have been any libertarian viewpoints on network news shows (even magazine-style shows) ever since. Do you think it will ever happen again? -- Gary
Stossel --and I, for that matter -- see the world differently than our colleagues. Both of us just try telling the truth -- not delivering the news from a political point of view. Too many of our colleagues are liberal ... but think their views aren't liberal, but rather moderate, reasonable, middle of the road. Maybe someday someone will come along with a "different" point of view. And maybe not.
A few days ago, Greg Gutfeld was talking about the botched NYT story on Kavanaugh, and he took his criticism of the NYT much farther than a lot of people. He said that "almost all of the stories the New York Times have done are inaccurate and wrong...they're all wrong." He wasn't saying it as a joke, and wasn't even saying it about JUST Trump stories. He was literally saying it about ALL stories in the NYT. Trump himself liked the quote so much that he retweeted it. Doesn't overreach like Gutfeld's HURT otherwise REAL arguments against liberal media bias? -- Alan H.
Excellent observation, Alan. Dumb comments like that do indeed hurt real criticism of media bias. Gutfeld used to be a lot smarter than he is now. Now's he's a just one more of Fox News's Trump sycophants.
Hey Bernie. Will you ever write a "slobbering" book about Trump and the right? Or maybe capitulation to Trump from the right and right wing media (fox news)? If not why not? -- Franklyn D.
I'm done with books, Franklyn. Too lonely. And I hated hawking them on radio and TV. But your idea is a good one.
Bernie, Don't you think there is an opportunity for a "bias-free" or "objective" news organization, out there? I'm an Independent - socially liberal, fiscally conservative guy, however, I can (somewhat) understand other folks views, including the 40% of the country, who likes President Trump. Any opportunities that you see? Aloha, -- Mike
Hey Mike. You'd think a bias free news outfit would be a big hit. But journalism has become a vehicle for pandering to the biases of the audience. That's how cable operates and it's even how the once prestigious NY Times operates. They give the reader what he or she wants. They want the audience to come back for more. It's a corruption of what journalism is supposed to be about. All that said, Special Report on Fox is solid. I recommend it.
Bernie, with a few exceptions, I’m usually not offended by President Trump's comments. I may disagree but I’m more baffled why he can’t find a more graceful way to communicate his message. Most on the left including the main stream media find fault and seem to be highly offended by nearly everything he says. His comments are scrutinized with nuances, conjectures, dog whistles etc. On the other hand, when I hear politicians on the left such as the so called ‘squad’ make comments I find myself reacting much stronger to their choice of words and level of disrespect. Are they all doing the same thing or is there a difference between Trump vs. the squad? -- Mike S.
The difference is Donald Trump is the president, so he gets more scrutiny. But, of course, it goes beyond that. Many journalists viscerally detest the man. At the same time, they sympathize with the views of those on the left, especially if they're "women of color" as with the so-called Squad.
Mr. G, After another failed hit piece by the NYT on Kavanaugh, why is there never any accountability for those who bear false witness, lie to Congress & waste tax payer dollars? Citizens and journalists included. -- Scotty G.
The accountability ought to come from the pubic, in the case of journalism, Scotty. We shouldn't support new organizations that are clearly biased and pander to their niche audience. But you can't lock reporters up for being biased or for getting things wrong -- even when the mistake goes beyond sloppiness. As for those who lie to Congress, that's another matter.
At one point in our past, non-profits were good organizations with a foundation of giving. Perhaps in the days past when people had honor. Today, I believe non-profits should be obsoleted as a government tax haven. But in the last few decades the abuses by celebrities, professional athletes, colleges, political parties, and more importantly advocacy groups makes me sick to my stomach. I give a lot. And I would like to see this tax haven gone. The good ones will survive. This might be out of your scope but just wanted your thoughts. -- Tim H
There are laws about non-profits getting involved in partisan politics, Tim. Advocacy is something else. In any case, don't expect politicians to demand that non-profits lose their tax exemptions. They'd look heartless when critics display kids in wheelchairs -- wheelchairs paid for by ... non-profits. I get your point, though. Just don't give to groups you don't like, right?
Leftists have long griped & complained that GITMO is unlawful and un-American. They claim that the unlawful combatants should be allowed Geneva Convention protections since America agreed to abiding by them. Nonsense! Say many on the right. Geneva Convention protections should not be afforded to the GITMO prisoners because Al-Qaida and the other terrorist organizations don’t abide by them, and America never made that agreement with terrorist organizations, Hence terrorists are not entitled to the Geneva Convention protections. Some prisoners have been released from GITMO and returned to cause death and destruction (which the left seems to ignore). What are your thoughts on this subject? -- Best Regards from The Emperor
Prisoners at GITMO aren't being tortured or deprived of food or medical care -- whether they technically have Geneva Convention protections or not. Legalese aside, I don't lose sleep worrying about the civil rights of GITMO prisoners. And I'm guessing, Emperor, neither do you.
Just when I thought the NYT could not go any lower than when they changed their headline regarding Trump urging unity vs. racism (because their insane readers demanded a change), I stand corrected. The article regarding Brett Kavanaugh that left out all of the critical facts to me was a new low. Your thoughts on how low the NYT can go? Is it even a newspaper anymore? -- Respectfully, Mozik
Hey Mozik ... listen to my Off the Cuff on this subject which went out 2 days ago. How low can the Times go? That remains to be seen, but I"m not betting on any serious soul searching at the most important newspaper in the solar system. Introspection is not a strong point among journalists.
In the Dem debate, the subjects were racism, white supremacy, police abuse and shootings and other political crap. Have you read the book “The War on Cops”? These sorry excuses for presidential candidates throw out all the above mentioned sh*t, but never do they provide any statistics to support their claims. I realize perception is everything, but do you think any political pundit, or publication will ever fact check and call these fools out for their reckless rhetoric? -- Terry J.
I'm with you Terry. They have a dark vision of America. And you're right, they're not challenged. The moderators just sit there. They may be called out by smart critics on the right ... but don't expect real journalism from the people who pretend to be real journalists.
King Bernard....let me get semi-serious (apologies to the GREAT Dan Jenkins)....but what are your thoughts on climate change, global warming or whatever the heck the libs are calling it these days?...and I'd like it in 15 words or less...I’m late for a waxing session... -- Greggo
First, a piece of advice: Get an agent. You're funny. You can take your act on the road.
I care about the environment as much as the next guy. As long as the next guy isn't Al Gore.
Twenty words. Sue me, Greggo!
Bernie! I live in VERY liberal Brooklyn, NY and here, many folks and family members believe the federal government introduced crack into our communities. Help facilitate my thinking on this matter, as well as provide recommendations for resources I can read later. Thanks -- D-Rock
That was a theory put forth by a reporter (I believe) in San Jose, California many years ago. It's bunk. Your friends and family are members of the Blame America First club. They're not necessarily anti-American ... they just don't like the America we currently live in. As for resources, check the Google. Enter, San Jose Mercury News ... federal government introduced crack into America. I'm sure you'll find contrary FACTS.
It's getting so tough to watch the NFL. These whiny primadonnas take most of the fun out of it. From players who sit out and demand new contracts (when they still have a year or two left on their current ones), to players like Antonio Brown who made a big deal out of the helmet he wanted to use and essentially sat out the entire pre-season before being cut loose. Did you catch the "garb" Cam Newtown showed up in for his post game press conference, was he auditioning for a part in the "Thelma & Louise " sequel? I don't know if there are any of them left, but one can only imagine what a player from back in the day (when they needed off season jobs to make ends meet) thinks about these overpaid clowns. -- John M.
You nailed it, John. NAILED IT! Cam Newton's kerchief was ridiculous. Bronco Nagurski or anyone on the old Green Bay Packers or Chicago Bears teams would have kicked his ass. Imagine if his coach was Vince Lombardi!!!
Local newspapers print articles from the NYT, AP, and other major papers without discernment, never holding them accountable for their biases. I examined 10 days of articles and they were wretched as could be, no corroboration at all, and all smear campaigns. My paper printed my letter to the editor, where I complained about the tainted pieces, but they never responded and haven't changed. Why don't local newspapers see their own blind spots? I think they hate Trump so much that they've lost all objectivity. What can we do, besides writing to our local newspaper, to convince them not to print the garbage that comes daily, always aimed to smear, smear, smear? -- Bill N.
In fairness, Bill, I'm guessing the articles weren't all part of a smear campaign. But they probably were tilted left, when about political issues. You're lucky they printed your letter to the editor. That's something. You can stop buying the paper, of course, but then you miss out on news you want, local news. Keep writing and complaining. They might write you off as a crank, but who knows, maybe an editor will say, "This guy's got a point." But don't bet on it.
Thanks, everyone! You can send me questions for next week using the form below! You can also read previous Q&A sessions by clicking here.