Both are outrageous.
Berney, it was a riot not an insurrection. Get over it! It wasn’t planned.
Not sure what audio clip you listened to, Conrad. Bernie didn't call it an insurrection. I'm not sure he ever has.
I've called it that, along with calling it a riot, because it meets the definition of both:
(An insurrection doesn't have to have been planned.)
As for 'getting over it,' I would recommend that people read this:
Oh, yes, it was absolutely planned! Was on social media sites re. attending the Capitol, etc. I live in a military town, near Ft. Bragg, and was quiet talk of raising "hell" up there. They were looking for blood.
Berney, it was a riot not an insurrection. Get over it! It wasn’t planned.
Not sure what audio clip you listened to, Conrad. Bernie didn't call it an insurrection. I'm not sure he ever has.
I've called it that, along with calling it a riot, because it meets the definition of both:
(An insurrection doesn't have to have been planned.)
As for 'getting over it,' I would recommend that people read this:
Oh, yes, it was absolutely planned! Was on social media sites re. attending the Capitol, etc. I live in a military town, near Ft. Bragg, and was quiet talk of raising "hell" up there. They were looking for blood.