There are certain things you’re not allowed to say out loud in our current sensitive culture — mostly because those certain things are true.
Truth is a powerful force — which is why telling the truth can get you in a whole bunch of trouble.
One of the subjects that is off limits involves women — how they dress, specifically. Women can dress any way they want — and if you’re a man you can’t even say, “You look nice in that outfit” without risking cancellation.
But throwing caution to the wind is in my DNA, so here goes.
I’m watching less news on cable TV these days because I’m finding it more and more depressing. So I’m spending more time watching sports on ESPN.
So far so good, right?
And I’m noticing something I haven’t noticed before: More than a few female anchors are wearing the kind of outfits a woman might wear — not to work — but to the club on a Saturday night.
I’ve seen women wearing skirts so short that I can’t even pay attention to whatever it is they’re talking about. Let’s just say I’m less interested in the score of the Knicks game than the eye candy on the screen.
I even saw one anchor on a morning show wearing an outfit that was so tight that, well, it left very little to the imagination. The boots coupled with the mini-skirt were an extra added attraction.
If noticing this makes me a sexist … what’s your point?
Anyway, watching this gave me (what passes for) an idea. CNN’s needs help when it comes to ratings. So why not do what ESPN is doing — except for women.
Stay with me.
What if Wolf Blitzer anchored his news show topless? Or wearing tight jeans — standing up?
What if Jake Tapper did his show in a skimpy T-shirt and gym shorts.
As for Jim Acosta, he and his show were moved from mid-morning to midnight. So he quit. Women can only wonder what a guy exiled to cable TV Siberia might have been wearing at that hour.
Bashing Donald Trump to appease their Trump-loathing audience goes only so far and won’t be enough to turn things around at CNN. They need something sexy — and what’s sexier than Wolf Blitzer delivering the news topless — or in tight jeans? OK, maybe Jake Tapper in that skimpy T-shirt and gym shorts.
That’s all I have time for at the moment. There’s something on ESPN I want to watch.
A good laugh to start my morning, thanks Bernie LOL
🙂🙂🙂❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏PERFECT - I can’t get that sight out of my mind, God help me.