Liberals Can Be "Racists" Too. Who Knew?

It wasn’t that long ago when Nancy Pelosi went before the cameras and microphones and announced to the nation that those “Make America Great Again” hats weren’t really about making America "great again." They were about making America “white again.” The implication, of course, is that not only is Donald Trump an irredeemable racist, but so is everyone else who wears that red hat and supports him.
This is something the left is good at, accusing the other side of bigotry, every chance they get. Playing the race card is second nature to them. It doesn’t matter if the ugly charge is true or not. That’s beside the point.
Which is not to say that real racism doesn’t exist. It does, and it's reprehensible. That “send her back” chant at the Trump rally in North Carolina may or may not have been steeped in racism -- but whether it was or not, it was ugly. And Donald Trump, with his reckless “go back” tweet about four minority congresswomen, was the instigator.
But when the left fires off allegations of racism as they so often do, they don’t always shoot straight. For example ...
If you want immigration laws enforced, you’re a racist. If you support ICE agents, you’re a racist. If you’re against reparations for the descendants of slavery, you’re a racist. If you think Maxine Waters is a hateful human being, it isn’t because she actually is, it’s because she’s a black woman and you’re a racist.
If you’re a Republican in general or a conservative in particular, you’re almost certainly a racist. When Joe Biden and Barack Obama were running against Mitt Romney, Biden told an audience made up mainly of African-Americans, that Romney was “going to put y’all back in chains.”
What was that based on? Nothing.
And Biden once took to MSNBC and sat there alongside one of America’s most notorious race baiters, Al Sharpton, and said, there is only one reason Republicans support voter-identification laws: “They don’t want black folks voting.”
According to the Democratic playbook, nasty cheap shots are acceptable. The ends justify the means. If you’re not one of them, you’re fair game. It’s as simple as that.
But now, something interesting is going on in the freak show we call politics. Progressives are breaking the rules; the rules that say it’s OK to smear Republicans and conservatives as bigots and get away with it. Progressive allies in the media will even help you do it. But you’re not supposed to throw the R word at your fellow Democrats. That’s a no-no.
And that’s why it’s fun to watch as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden find themselves in an uncomfortable place – in the crosshairs of progressive Democrats who are accusing them of … racism.
Now it’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the “Squad” insinuating that Mrs. Pelosi is a bigot because she hasn’t shown proper respect to the four progressive “women of color.” It couldn’t possibly be their politics or their tactics, the speaker was objecting to. It had to be their color.
And then there’s AOC’s chief of staff who took a shot at moderates in the party, tweeting that they “certainly seem hell bent to do to black and brown people today what the old Southern Democrats did in the 40s.” Really? When it hit the fan, he deleted the tweet.
Ms. Ocasio-Cortez hasn’t quite figured out that the reason the speaker (and a lot of others both in and out of Congress) don’t like her isn’t because of her skin tone. It’s because she’s an annoying know-it-all who doesn’t know all that much. But she’s a media darling and so she thinks that somehow makes her smart. It doesn’t.
And there’s Mr. Civil Rights himself, Joe Biden who isn’t playing the race card this time; it’s playing him.
On night two of the Democratic presidential debate, Kamala Harris painted Biden as a pal of segregationists whom he worked with, she said, to oppose court-ordered school busing. Ms. Harris was careful to say she wasn’t accusing Biden of being a racist, but you’d be excused if you thought that’s what she was not so subtly suggesting.
Are Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Biden being unfairly tarred as bigots? Yes they are. There’s a German word to describe how many conservatives feel about this. The word is schadenfreude, defined as “a pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.”
Count me in!
Mrs. Pelosi had no problem smearing people who wear MAGA hats as racists; Mr. Biden was comfortable slandering Mitt Romney, and Republicans in general. One would hope they’d learn a lesson from this. That maybe they’d stop playing the race card against their political opponents now that they see how vile and unfair the allegation can be. Let me know when you stop laughing.
When Nancy Pelosi – the poster gal for San Francisco liberalism – comes off as the victim of a racial smear, when even Donald Trump comes to her rescue telling reporters that she’s not a racist, you know Democrats are having a nervous breakdown. When Joe Biden is portrayed as an ally of segregationists, you know the Democratic clown car has careened off the road.
But you know what: They started it. And if conservatives are experiencing a little schadenfreude right about now, they have every right.