Really Dumb Conservatives ...
As you regular readers know, I’m not a fan of our president and am hoping Mitt Romney wins the election in a few days. But …
More than a few times – actually a lot more than a few times – I am embarrassed by how dumb some of the anti-Obama conservatives can be. They give liberals ammo to say we’re all that way.
Remember that idiotic comment by Republican Todd Akin who is running for the U.S. Senate from Missouri – the comment about “legitimate rape.” Thanks to that doofus the Democrats will almost certainly hang on to their seat in Missouri, possibly depriving Republicans of a majority in the Senate.
Then came another religious right genius – Republian Richard Murdock who’s running for the Senate from Indiana. The other day he said, "I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen," explaining why he opposed abortions for rape victims.
I know what he means about human life being sacred and and the fetus being innocent and all that. But, sorry, the comment comes off as really, really dopey. It didn't help that he's the only Senate candidate Romney made a commercial for.
Then there are the amateurs, run-of-the mill Neanderthals, like the person who tried to post the following comment on this Web site -- but it was intercepted by the automated system which apparently thought it was too dumb for anyone with half a brain to see. This is the kind of stuff we protect you from:
"If you believe and trust in the Liberals not to cheat with our votes. A lot of polling places have already been found to alter the machines to take votes from republican straight party selection and give them to the democ~rats. This fraud has to stop. The cheaters must be found and sent to prison. I do not trust Obama or any of the liberal marxist thinking in our society and neither should anyone else. They will deceive and lie to get what they want. The Arab in office now has to go, he is not honest and neither are his followers! "
“The Arab in office now has to go”? Really?
Here’s what bothers me even more than what these half-wits say and think: All the "true-blue conservatives" who just read their moronic observations and agree with every single word.
Not you, of course.