Trump's Valet
I listened to Donald Trump’s victory speech after he cleaned up on Super Tuesday. The key word is listened. But I was watching Chris Christie.
Christie was standing in back of Trump and I couldn’t help but think how pathetic he looked. Maybe sad is a better word.
There was a time when Chris Christie was a man’s man, a guy who stood up for what he believed and wasn’t afraid to tell you, right to your face, that you were wrong and he was right. Arrogant? Maybe, but, for me anyway, arrogant in a refreshing kind of way.
Then he endorsed Trump despite all the less-than-complimentary things he had been saying about him during the campaign. So now he has to obediently stand behind the big man, like a valet, silently, pretending that Trump’s nonsense and junior high demeanor don’t offend his intelligence.
There was no enthusiasm on Christie's face that night. Just the resigned look of a man who seemed to be wondering if selling out his dignity was really worth it.

Chris Christie did what he thought he had to do to get a job in a Trump White House. Now he has to live with that decision. As Alexandra Petri put it in the Washington Post, “Chris Christie has made a yuge mistake.”