There is no question that Sonia Sotomayor is an impressive woman. She grew up in the projects of the South Bronx. Her father died when she was a little girl. She was raised by a good and decent mother who worked hard and sent her to Catholic school. She got good grades and made it into Princeton, where she graduated with honors. Then it was on to Yale Law. She was a prosecutor in New York City. She was named a federal district judge before moving up to became an appeals court judge. Now she stands as the newest nominee to the highest court in the land.
And Justice for All?
And Justice for All?
And Justice for All?
There is no question that Sonia Sotomayor is an impressive woman. She grew up in the projects of the South Bronx. Her father died when she was a little girl. She was raised by a good and decent mother who worked hard and sent her to Catholic school. She got good grades and made it into Princeton, where she graduated with honors. Then it was on to Yale Law. She was a prosecutor in New York City. She was named a federal district judge before moving up to became an appeals court judge. Now she stands as the newest nominee to the highest court in the land.