I think the Late Night hosts are similar to cable news hosts in that their core audience/ratings may be relatively small, but clips and soundbites get shared on social media, and receive disproportionate attention from politicians, which has the effect of artificially amplifying their voices.

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I think that's an important point -- one I've made before, but didn't think to raise during this episode: they DO have an influence on politicians.

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I think Trump would have won with Bartiromo as a running mate. In fact, he probably would have won with me as his running mate as scary as that sounds. I don't think my wife would have voted for me. The bottom line is, look who Trump ran against!

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Great show, Bernie and John!

If Donald Trump was trying to pick Maria as his running mate, I’m so thankful it didn’t happen. Nothing personal against her but as VP…come on!!! Although I do tend to agree with the comment that Trump could have won regardless of who he ran with. The idea of Harris as president…ugh!

Looking forward to the next 4 years to MAGA. So glad you’re keeping an open mind, Bernie! You’re a fair gentleman!

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Haha, yes, Bernie is just that. And his"time machine" episodes , or at least the first one, was fascinating and quite dangerous to pull off (hitting the NYC streets). Thumbs up on telling us the good, bad, and ugly of it all.

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Sir Bernie you claim that you declined the offer to work for the CIA. However, THAT IS EXACTLY what an underground CIA SPOOK would say regarding his membership in such a shady organization. Sounds like CIA disinformation hanky lanky hanky panky Hanky Langley to me! So even though you no longer answer the Friday Q&A, Sir Bernie, I ask you: where are those crashed extraterrestrial space ships from other planets being kept, eh? Area 51? Wright-Patterson? Dulles Airport? That big mall in Miami ? John D’s Garage? Hmmm…

His Utmost Exvellency, The Emperor, awaits your response!

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I am also ready to receive my medal of honor, from Sir Bernie, for outstanding service to community discourse. I will take a knee to accept my award.

On another note, Maria Bartiromo would not be the worst back-up president the US ever had. First Female president! Glass ceiling broken!

Oh, and pro video tip - put your phones on silent when recording!

Please excuse my insolence.

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I think we all know, politics aside, Mr Trump will, at the very least, provide hours of head scratching comments. He knows that questionable style generates ink and airtime.

But, on another topic, I noticed with particular concern that the clock over Bernie’s shoulder never changed time. It was as though I’d been teleported, literally, into the No BS Zone! Great work gentlemen.

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I think that means Bernie is timeless.

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