Jul 14Liked by John A. Daly

<< There’s still much we don’t know about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump — and speculation at this point may lead to conclusions that turn out to be off-base. But even at this point, I think it’s safe to say that words matter — and that angry rhetoric might have contributed to what we witnessed on Saturday. >> I couldn't agree more. Both sides are awful with speculation, and I wish they would just shut the hell up until they actually knew something. The rhetoric has gotten out of control. Thanks for your integrity! QED

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Great opinion piece! Going forward, how does the public believe anything that is reported in the media? I don’t always agree with you, (more often than not I do), but I appreciate honest reporting, which is sorely lacking today. I’m happy to be able to read you online as I missed seeing your reports on the O’Reilly Factor. Thanks for your well reasoned commentary.

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You are 100% correct about the Trump assassination attempt. Until we know a LOT more about the shooter and his motives, it is irresponsible to comment on the story other than gathering and reporting the hard facts. There will be plenty of time for analysis and commentary.

Of course, that doesn't stop the tribalists on both sides from putting out garbage conspiracy theories.....

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I've have seen so much irresponsible commentary on this already. Unsurprising, but depressing.

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Bias in the mainstream media is now analogous to a person with late stage pancreatic cancer. The question isn’t whether the patient is going to die but how soon the death will occur.

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Another good piece Mr. G. I probably said this before, I believe many DEM Americans who never listen to Fox or talk radio got a wakeup call watching the Debate. I go with number 2 as well.

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